My Blue Space : Top Of The Most Poisonous Animals In The World !!
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Top Of The Most Poisonous Animals In The World !!

The King Cobra

The King Cobra:

King Cobra also named Ophiophagus hannah lives in the Asian continent more precisely in the countries of Southeast Asia such as China or India where it populates jungles and mountainous forests, they are easily identifiable by their wide hoods and their enormous size which can exceed the five and a half meters, with only 7 milliliter of its venom is able to kill an Asian elephant at maturity if it reach in a sensitive area, the elephant dies in just 3 hours.
The Puffer Fish

The Puffer Fish:

Especially consumed in Korea and Japan the Fugu fish has a skin and organs containing a substance lethal to humans, its poison causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, breathing difficulties, paralysis and vomiting, as there is no antidote victims die from suffocation caused by poison within 4 to 24 hours.
The Poison Dart Frog

The Poison Dart Frog:

This beautiful little frog to the pleasant and innocent appearance, is a real criminal , in fact, it contains poison in its glands called batrachotoxin, a powerful poison that causes paralysis and even human death that comes in contact with.
The Blue-Ringed Octopus

The Blue-Ringed Octopus:

Living in the Pacific Ocean tide pools from Australia to Japan, The Blue Ringed Octopus is as little as a tennis ball, but it carries in its body enough venom to cause the death of 26 people in fact its bite cause a cessation of breathing, muscle weakness and numbness and death that occurs after some minutes, the scientists have until now not find an antidote to its poison, making it one of the most dangerous and most venomous animals in the world.
The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider:

Classified in 2007 as being the most venomous, dangerous and murderous spider in the world, The Brazilian Wandering Spider Also Called the Banana Spider, it usually hides in inhabited places like homes and cars, its bite causes severe pain due to the high dosage of serotonin present in its venom and that leads to death.
The Stonefish

The Stonefish:

Synanceia verrucosa also called The Stonefish, is the most venomous fish in the world he lives in marine waters and Indian oceans tropicles and Pacifc from the great queensland barriède in the Red Sea Coral,Stonefish sting of the thorns injects toxins in the body of his victim, in humans its causes intense and unbearable pain, shock, swelling followed by paralysis and death of the affected tissue and finally death once bitten the victim must immerse the wound in hot water and quickly go to the hospital.
The Death Stalker Scorpion

The Death Stalker Scorpion:

Living in desertic areas of Africa and Asia Leirus quinquestriatus this scorpion venom causes severe pain respiratory failure convulsions and paralysis and sometimes death it is especially dangerous for allergic or having problems cardiques, The venom of this species is being studied by pharmaceutical laboratories. A neurotoxin found in the venom binds to brain cancer cells. Thus, by marking it with a dye, physicians have created a "molecular torch" to locate cancer cells for their surgical eliminations.
The Box Jellyfish

The Box Jellyfish:

The Cubozoaire is known for its extremely powerful venom also known for its tentacles languor 3 meter and weigh up to 2kg,its tentacles produce nematocysts which increases blood pressure leading to heart attack and death. It usually live in the waters around Asia and Australia. Death comes very quickly after a bite of Cubozoaire so be careful.
The Inland Taipan

The Inland Taipan:

Also knwon as the Westerne Taipan is one of the most venomous snakes in the world its venom is powerful enough to kill an adult in 45 minutes, a single bite from this snake of Australia contains enough venom to kill a hundred people, fortunately there is an anti venom and so far has had no human deaths reported.
Marbled Cone Snail

Marbled Cone Snail:

This lovely little snail has in it a powerful venom, enough to kill twenty people, the victim of a sting of this one is prone to inflammation, swelling, loss of vision, muscle paralysis, respiratory failure and finally death. There is no antivenom.

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