My Blue Space : The Woman With The Biggest Heart in The world Jacqueline Saburido
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The Woman With The Biggest Heart in The world Jacqueline Saburido


  Jacqueline Saburido, born December 20, 1978 in Caracas, Venezuela, is a surviving victim of a car accident caused by a drunk driver, Reggie Stephey, a football player local notoriety in September 1999 in Austin, United States. Burned over 60% of his body and disfigured, she wanted to make public its mutilation to make known to the public, the potential consequences of driving while intoxicated.



 In June 2001 Reggie Stephey was sentenced to $ 20,000 in fines and seven years in jail for twofold manslaughter (two individuals have not survived the mischance). He was discharged from jail June 24, 2008, to come back to her mom, close Lake Travis. 

 September 19, 1999, Jacqueline Saburido goes to a birthday close Austin Texas. She and her companions choose to return following a couple of hours. Jacqueline Saburido and his companions Laura Guerrero, Johan Daal and Johann Gil consent to be escorted by a colleague, Natalia Chpytchak Bennett. Reggie Stephey, a youthful secondary school understudy 17 years takes the same street in the wake of drinking, he and his companions, lagers at a gathering (we discover that he had 0.13% or around 1.3 g/L of liquor in the blood rather than 0.08% or 0.8 g/L endured). In suburbia of Austin, the vehicle that struck Stephey Bennett conveying Jacqueline Saburido and companions. 


 Bennett Guerrero and bite the dust right away. Gil and Daal were harmed however marginally. Stephey has no wounds and was spared because of the air pack. Jacqueline's foot is stuck under a seat, she is sentenced to the vehicle. The auto burst into flames. Two paramedics, John McIntosh and Bryan Fitzpatrick lead when called by the youthful driver. When they arrived, blazes were making strides. McIntosh figures out how to control and choose with his partner to separate the casualties. 

 In any case, Jacqueline Saburido is caught, shoot once more. The two paramedics must turn back, the young lady still inside, was smoldered alive for under 45 seconds. At the point when a flame truck arrived and doused the flame, Jacqueline Saburido is removed from the vehicle and transported to the blaze unit of Galveston. 


 Jacqueline Saburido endured smolders in the second and third degrees and more than 60% of his body was blazed. It makes due regardless of everything, because of the quick mediation of specialists. Every one of his fingers are removed, just his left thumb is spared. She lost her hair, ears, nose, lower lip, left eyelid and a lot of her vision. She experienced more than 40 operations since the accident, including corneal transplants who could give him the utilization of his left eye. Jacqueline will be distorted forever.

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