My Blue Space : The Door to Hell
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The Door to Hell


 The estate is located near the village of Derweze in the middle of the Karakum desert, about 260 kilometers north of Ashgabat. The is there that gas reserve is one of the largest in the world. The name "Gates of Hell" was found by locals. It was inspired by fire, boiling mud and the orange flames of the great crater Derweze, 70 meters wide diamètre1,2,3. Hot spots extend over an area of about 60 meters wide and 20 meters deep. In 1971 the site was discovered by Soviet scientistes. It was at the base to be a major oil field. Scientists have developed a drilling rig and camp nearby. They started drilling operations to evaluate the amount of gas reserves available on the website. Satisfied with the discovery of this new source of gas, the Soviets began storing.
 Unfortunately the ground slipped away in a large crater appeared and made disappear the rig and camp. There were no casualties. Because of this incident, large amounts of methane were released, creating an environmental problem but also a potential danger for the inhabitants of nearby villages.
Fearing the release of toxic gases from the cave, scientists decided to burn it. The circonstances were such that gas extraction was impossible. At the time, it was expected that all the gas burns in a few weeks, but the burning still continues today, after more than forty years.

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