My Blue Space : Assassinations That Changed History
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Assassinations That Changed History

Julius Caesar 
 Julius Caesar was a warrior before you access the power that had defeated his enemies around the world couo he endeared himself by the Roman people, but once in power he appointed dictator for life in réduissant principles the Roman Republic and by getting rid of every senator who did not think like him, then these senators are conspiring against him and kill him, once dead civil wars exploded after his death, which begat an empire, the Roman Empire that will include more than 21 percent of the world population.

Abraham Lincoln

 In 1860, Lincoln was elected president of the united states, but in this time the United States was in a conflict of ideas; many states were against slavery and many was for it, Lincoln was against, which did not please to the States that was in favor of slavery, which divided the Usa in two parts the Union (for Lincoln ) who were the northern states of the country; and the Confederacy (against Lincoln) who were the southern states of the country; (of course, there were statements that are neither for nor against, but that is not our subject), the election of Lincoln provoked the American Civil War (1861-1865) which opposed the union to the Confederation and caused more than 600,000 dead, it finished by the victory of the Union; and secessionist statements were be reinstated in the United States. on April 14, 1865 Lincoln was assassinated by a supporter from the south; After Lincoln's death, Andrew Johnson became president, unlike his predecessor Jonson was racist, so racism has  developed and mostly in southern united states; much of racist groups had emerged like the Ku Klux Klan; Lincoln's death had slowed considerably the amelioration of the life of African-Americans in the United States.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

 At the beginning of the 20th century the situation in Europe is very tense there's one side were is France and its allies the United Kingdom, Russia and Serbia and an other were is the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire at the death of Francis Ferdinad the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire killed by a Serb.

 Then the Austro-Hungarian Empire jumps on the opportunity and declares war to Serbia, so Russia declared war to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the German Empire that is the ally of Austria-Hungary declared war to Russia, and France feels it self danger so it declared war to the German Empire, the German Empire tried to invade France and goes through Belgium, Belgium neutral country and ally of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom then declares war to Germany.

The Romanov Family

 In full of First World War and precisely in 1917 the revolution broke out in Russia, a real civil war between supporters of the Tsar The White Army and Bolsheviks The Red Army lead by Vladimir llitich Lenin, that imprisons Nicolas 2 last Tsar of Russia and all his family, and in July 16, 1918 he murdered them and burned them for leaving no traces, from this war are the Bolcheviks out winners and after it there's been Stalin with the Gulag and with the Cold War, when the Romanov family n had not he was assassinated would there never had any Cold War

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

 In 1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy's death really changed the history in indeed Kennedy was against war, and the Vietnam War also known as the Second Indochina War, would be shortcut if he was not dead, and just two years after his assassination in 1965 that the United states intervened massively in the war.

Martin Luther King

  In 1955, Emmett Till a black teenager of 14 year has been tortured and murdered for no reason, by two white men (J.W.Milam and Roy Bryant), these two men were judged captured but acquitted. This murder deeply shocked the US, and in December 1955 when Rosa Parks a black woman refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man, she has been arrested by the autority, it mobilizes the African-American Civil Rights Movement , Martin Luther King becomes Quickly a symbol of this movement, he advocated non-violence and organizes speech and peaceful protest throughout the country, he was imprisoned, beat, and he survived to many attempted murders. But in April 4th, 1968 he was killed by a white racist, the day after the riots exploded in more than a hundred American cities, while after just a week of rioting Lyndon B. Johnson the US president approves The Fair Housing Act (a real estate plan that got everyone equally), what Martin Luther King reclamed for years.

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