My Blue Space : Jon Olsson Audi RS6 DTM Stolen And Burned
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Jon Olsson Audi RS6 DTM Stolen And Burned

Jon Olsson Audi RS6 DTM
Jon Olsson Audi RS6 DTM Stolen And Burned

Jon Olsson Audi RS6 DTM Stolen And Burned:

The beautiful DTM Audi RS6 with a 4.0-liter V8 biturbo and almost 1000 horsepower turbo-plated with 18 carat gold very famous skier John Olson, yes this beautiful audi we all love to was robbed and burned, after Jon Olson sold it to Douwe Leitner luxury car dealer, his new owner went to a service station to install the cameras, and there two armed men came and went with the car, Once the car stopped and as the key to the car was in one of the pockets of Douwe Leitner and the RS 6 is starting without key insertion, it was impossible for thieves to boot. The robbers have parked in an underground car park in the vicinity of Amsterdam and set it on fire to erase all traces of DNA view that the car could not roll.

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