My Blue Space : The Dangers Of Smoking
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The Dangers Of Smoking

 Smoking is bad for health, everyone knows that, but are we conscious of the real danger that represents the consumption of tobacco for us our loved ones, and our environment ?

The Dangers Of Smoking For Myself:

Three cancer is due to smoking. The best known is lung cancer, 90% of cases are related to active smoking and 5% to passive smoking. Learn more
 But other cancers are caused by tobacco: throat, mouth, lips, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus. Esophageal cancer is more common when combined tobacco and alcohol.
 Active smoking can also cause cardiovascular diseases: smoking is a major risk factor for myocardial infarction. Cerebrovascular accidents, peripheral arterial disease, aneurysms, arterial hypertension are also related, in part, by tobacco smoke. The vascular disease can also cause erectile dysfunction.
 Chronic bronchitis is mainly due to smoking. This disease progresses to respiratory failure if smoking is not stopped. Emphysema (excessive and permanent dilation of pulmonary alveoli, with rupture their walls) is also often a smoking-related disease.

 Other pathologies are related or are aggravated by smoking: gastritis, peptic ulcers, type II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, infections ORL (nose - throat - ears) and dental, cataract and AMD (Macular Degeneration Age-related) that can lead to blindness. Not to mention periodontitis, gum disease that causes the loosening and loss of teeth.

 The Dangers Of Smoking For Others:

 Passive smoking is the involuntary inhalation, in a non-smoking topic of smoke from his neighborhood. There are three types of tobacco smoke:

 The smoke inhaled by the smoker.
Secondhand smoke escaping laterally from the cigarette (whose composition is very different from the smoke taken by the smoker).
The smoke released by the active smoker who plays a lesser role.
This is the second hand smoke that is directly involved in passive smoking. Its transmission time is long (envion 10 minutes, while the puff rejected by the active smoker is 20 to 30 seconds) and above all it has been filtered or by smoking or by the smoker's lungs.

 The amount of product inhaled is greater for the smoker than for the person who inspires passively smoke from his entourage. However two factors moderate this difference:

 The smoke composition at the time of issue, secondhand smoke contains substances a higher rate than the rate of substance inhaled by the active smoker. This concentration drops significantly in the ambient air. The passive smoker inhales a gas stream so where these products are present, but in varying concentration levels.
exposure time: it can be casual (on an evening) or regularly (from childhood to adulthood). Over this period is longer, the person incurs health risks.

 In 2002 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has formally declared that passive smoke was carcinogenic. Unexposed smoking, passive smoking can cause:

 Damage to the cardiovascular system, lung cancer, asthma and respiratory tract infections, the latest research shows that among non-smoking, a unique exhibition of half an hour to passive smoke is enough to weaken the heart temporarily.
 In Germany, more than 3,300 non-smokers die each year as a result of passive smoking, mainly as a result of cardiovascular disease.
 In Switzerland, they would be 260 nonsmokers to die each year. 
 In France: a report from the Academy of Medicine dated 1997, estimated at 3,000 the number of non-smoking killed each year by passive smoking.

 For children, passive smoking slows lung growth and cause of diseases of the airways, inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) and asthma. A severe asthma attack can be life of a child in danger. During the age of compulsory education, secondhand smoke causes a cough reflex, mucus formation in the throat and throat, wheezing and respiratory distress. In infants it increased the risk of sudden death. Exposure to passive smoke during pregnancy exposed to complicaitons: miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and premature birth. The fetus risk developmental delay and low birth weight.

Dangers Of Smoking For The Environment:

 5 million hectares of forest are destroyed each year to dry tobacco, contributing to deforestation ...

4.3 trillion cigarette butts are thrown in the wild worldwide. Unfortunately, the filters are not biodegradable and contain many toxic substances. Every year in France alone, 30 billion cigarette butts are thrown in nature.

In addition, cigarette filters, cigarette packages and manuals for cigars account for 40 percent of all marine litter in the Mediterranean, while in Ecuador smoking-related waste accounts for more than half of total coastal litter "captured" in 2005

We hope that we helped you with this article, and thank you for reading.

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